Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall frenzy

As many of you out there know, fall is kind of a crazy time. The kiddos are going back to school, regular activities are coming back in full swing and that leaves little time for mamma to get much done.

 I have started two of the projects on my sewing list: a cover for my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer and budget envelops. I am super excited that the hubby and I will be taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University in January and these fabric money envelops will be a great way to help us budget. As soon as I have these projects finished I will post detailed instructions and links to where I found them, however I found that I am in desperate need of a rotary cutter and a self healing mat. You can do sewing projects without one but MAN is it hard! I may even have to re cut the pattern pieces that I already have done because I may or may not have cut them wrong. :o/ Whoops!

Here is a sneak peek of my projects:

This is the beginning of my mixer cover. The tutorial that I found is
actually for a reversible cover but I do not plan on reversing mine.
I mean really, how ugly is that green floral? But I have had it for
YEARS because on of my (sorority) sisters bought it to cover their little sister's book and then decided they didn't like it. So they gave it to me. Maybe they think I have bad taste or that I like ugly fabric. Oh well, free is free! I also picked up this denim of the outside at a yard sale. I got a box of fabric for $2.00! I love the denim so that will be the outside and the green flowers will be the lining.

And these are the beautiful fabrics that I am using for my fabric envelops! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! They are so cute and pretty. I picked up four fat quarters at the fabric store last time I was in Sioux Falls and then I found two more in my craft supplies hiding in the garage. This was the project where I realized that I HAVE to get a rotary cutter, a self healing mat, and a ruler. Cutting out perfect squares by hand is NO FUN! (and i kinda stink at it.)

So there you have it. Everything that has been going on out here in the country. Check back soon and hopefully I will have actually finished something! lol. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging. I started out blogging to express myself during our IVF, now it has turned into a passion and I love to share things other moms can use too. Excited for you on the Dave FPU, I loved the class and love Dave.
